Facets of New Data-Driven Accountholder Experience
Becoming a data-driven financial institution involves
a cultural shift towards valuing data as a strategic asset
investing in the right capabilities
using data to enhance customer experiences while addressing the challenges posed by organizational silos and competing priorities
Marketers play a central role in this transformation by harnessing data to meet their objectives.
How Companies Can Reduce IT Costs and Improve Productivity
The need for quick product solutions while reducing costs has led companies to explore new and more creative partners with open architecture and agile methodologies. With the help of new partners, companies are accelerating digital transformation.
Agile Marketing: Create
a Hyper-Relevant Experience
Consumer expectations are happening at a rate that is almost impossible to keep up with for most marketing departments. Even for companies that can offer innovative, hyper-personal experiences, doing so means constant improvement to heighten the customer experience. Once customers get a taste for personalization, they compare all other brands and experiences to you.
FIs Generational Segments: How to Communicate
By recognizing each generation’s unique characteristics and expectations, financial institutions can develop more targeted strategies to engage and retain customers across the generational spectrum.
Personalization is No Longer an Option for FI's
The financial services industry is evolving rapidly, with personalization and data-driven insights playing a central role in staying competitive and driving revenue growth. FIs must adapt to the changing landscape, embrace digital solutions, and leverage analytics to create personalized experiences that meet the diverse needs of their account holders.
Diverse Suppliers are Agile, Cost-Effective, and Innovative
Diverse suppliers need to continue advocating for change and holding organizations accountable. Public awareness and pressure can sometimes drive organizations to take their commitments more seriously. Additionally, sharing success stories of diverse suppliers who have benefited from these programs can help inspire others. Creating a more inclusive supplier base requires a cultural shift, genuine commitment, and ongoing effort from all stakeholders, including private, public, and government organizations.
CXO Challenges and Opportunities
In today’s constantly changing world, executives face an increasingly challenging landscape. They must always be attentive keepers of their customers while at the same time making important strategic decisions to modernize their company to drive growth. Perhaps no other member of the executive team faces more pressure than the Chief
Executive Officer.
What is Customer Engagement All About?
To orchestrate Customer Engagement (CE),
marketing and sales must come together to ensure
communications that are deployed elicit a desired
response. Managing these interactions includes
tracking customer behaviors—both in response
to the communication and separate from the
communication —and optimizing the next point
of contact.
Your ideal customer is engaging—taking action—
with your organization and tells you about their
needs in the process.
Credit Unions Need to Go With the Tide or Get Swept Up in It
What don’t we know? Where can we do better?
Whether we like it or not, financial technology is
changing our landscape. Big banks (like Bank of
America) are adding hundreds of new branches to
“think global, act local,” and some large banks have no branches. Without a brick-and-mortar presence
and with fewer faces to pay, those banks can devote all of their resources to marketing and servicing their offerings:
The Secrets Behind Tesla’s Great Customer Experience
From our first visit to the Tesla website, our car-buying experience felt different. It was empowering. While the experience was not perfect, it was a testament to the power of a digitally driven-omnichannel experience.
Often the Only Woman in the Room, Here's Her Advice
At that time, virtually no woman-owned tech startups supplied services to the automotive, home improvement, and finance sectors. It wasn't easy. It was hard to get meetings.
I prevailed because I believed in what I was doing and let that passion show through. I did my homework and demonstrated how ChannelNet's digital technology would help boost sales and retain customers. Our first big "win" was BMW,
Paula Tompkins has a few thoughts about the dealership experience. Her opinions
might offend even the most progressive dealers.
As an inventor who holds two patents for a software platform designed to create personal websites and self-service portals, she believes the industry
needs to let go of the past and give consumers the control they desire.